Thursday, 29 August 2013


As a coach, I stand for and hold my clients accountable for acheiving what they say that want. Every morning, I also create a stand for myself for the day and hold myself to being it. 

 Today, my stand is SPACE. 

Space is....

Expansive and Inclusive

A place of discovery, mystery and curiosity
with untouched corners
 where things are to be uncovered
 and anything can happen

It is starlit with
Life and existence

I particularly like this stand and I find it to be a wonderful way of being on calls with clients. My stand for an expansive and inclusive space allows infinite room for them to uncover themselves, to see themselves and their goals in a greater light; rocks are overturned, the stars are in their eyes and possibility becomes endless. 

Try standing in SPACE for a while AND see what YOU can uncover! I'd love to hear about it. 

Sparked by a sunny moment? Contact: for a free sample session

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Can't stop dancing to this wonderfulness! 

I've been starting my days lately with a dance to this song every morning. It adds a wonderfully light and airy bounce to my step and sets me up, just right, for the day ahead (And, after my morning bacon of course ;).  I can then take a look at what lies ahead from an elevated position and I see that any fears that I have about today will just be old news tomorrow. I can face them with a sense of un-attachment and instead, just a general joy about life.

What scares you about today? Let's go out there and rock it!!! After all, will it matter tomorrow? Will it matter in 10 years time?

"I want to see you be brave"

Brave- Sara Bareilles

What's possible for you and your life?

Want to find out? 

I'm a life coach. And this week, I have created two free sample session slots in order to explore what's possible for you and your life. 

Check me out ;)

My profile on Noomii (the professional coach directory). 

(copy and paste the link below)

 Interested? Email me at to book a free session now.