Thursday, 29 August 2013


As a coach, I stand for and hold my clients accountable for acheiving what they say that want. Every morning, I also create a stand for myself for the day and hold myself to being it. 

 Today, my stand is SPACE. 

Space is....

Expansive and Inclusive

A place of discovery, mystery and curiosity
with untouched corners
 where things are to be uncovered
 and anything can happen

It is starlit with
Life and existence

I particularly like this stand and I find it to be a wonderful way of being on calls with clients. My stand for an expansive and inclusive space allows infinite room for them to uncover themselves, to see themselves and their goals in a greater light; rocks are overturned, the stars are in their eyes and possibility becomes endless. 

Try standing in SPACE for a while AND see what YOU can uncover! I'd love to hear about it. 

Sparked by a sunny moment? Contact: for a free sample session

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Can't stop dancing to this wonderfulness! 

I've been starting my days lately with a dance to this song every morning. It adds a wonderfully light and airy bounce to my step and sets me up, just right, for the day ahead (And, after my morning bacon of course ;).  I can then take a look at what lies ahead from an elevated position and I see that any fears that I have about today will just be old news tomorrow. I can face them with a sense of un-attachment and instead, just a general joy about life.

What scares you about today? Let's go out there and rock it!!! After all, will it matter tomorrow? Will it matter in 10 years time?

"I want to see you be brave"

Brave- Sara Bareilles

What's possible for you and your life?

Want to find out? 

I'm a life coach. And this week, I have created two free sample session slots in order to explore what's possible for you and your life. 

Check me out ;)

My profile on Noomii (the professional coach directory). 

(copy and paste the link below)

 Interested? Email me at to book a free session now.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Looking back

Oh, how I wish I posted here more often.

 I love to read back on all these blog posts and see how my life has unfolded in the last couple of years. It's now over 2 years since I graduated from University and wrote my first blog post....2 YEARS!!! I feel old. 

 And as I get older and see the time clock ticking, I often begin to feel afraid that I'm not going to do anything with my life. 

 Sometimes, I get so stuck on what's next that I forget to remember, or even realise, everything that I have already achieved!

This past year has actually been one of the most exciting years of my life!

Here's a quick run down of my personal highlights :) :

 recovered from an accident in Peru and gained a shiny new tooth :)
hired a life coach
  quit my boring office job
 taught special needs kids
took a lead role in a farcical comedy stage play
competed in the British Adult Figure Skating Championships
  travelled to Madeira, Abu Dhabi and New York.

 Aaand after working on acheiving all of this with my coach,  I decided to see if I could also go make a difference for others by starting a life coach training program too!! This last week, I got hired by my first two paying clients!! Ahhh is.... good. 

Take a look back on the past year and see what achievements you've already made. It'll make you feel good. I promise! 

It's been a while!!!!

Still alive, kickin and been adorning some great big red glasses through which to view the world!! 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

I am a figure skater.

I may not be an Olympian. I may not be a world champion. I may not have nailed my sit spin....or even my upright, for that matter. But I am a figure skater. And I feckin' love it!!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

LOVE what you do.

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just 

do what you love and believe in, and it 

will come naturally. David 

I love this David Frost quote. I believe it to ring true in almost every aspect of life, from the most seemingly mundane, to the most extraordinary. Recently, it stroked its little wand upon me in a clearer way than usual:

I LOVE figure skating! So I often put massive amounts of pressure on myself to succeed and do well. This last weekend, I competed in a big national competition I’d had my heart set on for quite a long time. I’d poured my blood, sweat and tears into it and had spent a HUGE amount of time and money on all the training, costume and practice. I so wanted to do well.
But during my last week of practice, EVERYTHING seemed to be going wrong!! I couldn’t spin, I fell over at EVERY jump and I couldn’t even finish my programme on time. I felt like bambi on ice. Naturally, I panicked!! What was I going to do? I couldn’t go out there in front of all those people, cameras and judges looking like this! 
Competition time came but I still felt no better. I almost couldn’t bring myself to drive down to the venue in order to do it. Nonetheless, I went on and skated with all the other girls competing in my category during practice. They seemed SO MUCH MORE confident, fit and flexible than I was. And their spins were amazing!!! I felt like a fish out of water and to tell you the truth, I was quite intimidated.
I went back to my hotel for the night and told my mum all about it. I told her that I just didn’t feel ready, for her not to expect anything and that I didn’t think that I was going to do very well.
I woke up the next day feeling quite deflated and my nerves had mostly disappeared. The pressure was off and I was no longer expecting so much of myself. My mum told me that I didn’t have to skate if I didn’t want to.
But after quite a bit of thought, I told her that at the end of the day, this is what I love to do and even if I’m not able to compete at the same level as everyone else, I wanted to share my love for the sport with everyone out there who had come to see me.
I went back to the venue with A SMILE ON MY FACE and a huge amount of love in my heart. No pressure. My mind set had changed. I just felt happy to be there.
My turn to skate came! My programme was a blur but I remember getting off the ice with a HUGE smile on my face. I had loved every minute of it and I felt amazing!!!! I had almost forgotten that I had been competing until the commentator called the result…
 “15.03” and “currently in 2nd place”. 2nd place?? I was shocked! And elated!
My finishing place was 3rd in my category and 4th out of all 27 skaters competing.
Putting ourselves under certain pressures in life (particularly when we’re aiming for success) can be so overwhelming that it can be easy to forget what is really important to us in the first place. For me, I’d forgotten the first reason why I’d put myself forward for this competition. I love figure skating. And I love to share that with other people. Taking away the pressure I’d put on myself of doing so well but instead, exuberayting that love I have for the sport and accepting who I am was what allowed me to do so well.

It turned out that most of my marks had come, not from my technical ability, but from the way I had performed and executed my programme. LOVE had won out.