Oh, how I wish I posted here more often.
I love to read back on all these blog posts and see how my life has unfolded in the last couple of years. It's now over 2 years since I graduated from University and wrote my first blog post....2 YEARS!!! I feel old.
And as I get older and see the time clock ticking, I often begin to feel afraid that I'm not going to do anything with my life.
Sometimes, I get so stuck on what's next that I forget to remember, or even realise, everything that I have already achieved!
This past year has actually been one of the most exciting years of my life!
Here's a quick run down of my personal highlights :) :
recovered from an accident in Peru and gained a shiny new tooth :)
hired a life coach
quit my boring office job
taught special needs kids
took a lead role in a farcical comedy stage play
competed in the British Adult Figure Skating Championships
travelled to Madeira, Abu Dhabi and New York.
Aaand after working on acheiving all of this with my coach, I decided to see if I could also go make a difference for others by starting a life coach training program too!! This last week, I got hired by my first two paying clients!! Ahhh ......life... is.... good.
Take a look back on the past year and see what achievements you've already made. It'll make you feel good. I promise!